When I was at home in March, it was snowing on first day and rain followed for the next days. The ex owner informed me at the beginning as of the roof has be get maintained hence I was aware of the problem a bit. On my last visit to Zelcestan made several calls and meetings; also asked to the people to find a specialist who can fix the roof with no success.
My friends from Turkey, Germany and Poland offered to come altogether and fix the roof after I moved in the house if I can not find anybody. Spoken with another friend from Shkoder / Albania and hopefully he will be able to help me.
The flights from Turkey to Podgorica are quite expensive hence my aim is to fly to Tirana and rent a car then drive to Shkoder and stay over night (I know a very good fish restaurant on there; will be a good excuse to visit that place 😋 ) Then will pick him up and drive to Zagorak to see what to do, how to do, when to do and how much will cost to do.
It is a bit difficult to take care of with these tasks especially when there is a app 2.500 km distance between my two homes. HArd is easy; impossible takes time.
Still as the saying of Oruc Reis " Your right to life is as much as your struggle for it"
Hope to give better news on this issue soon.
Take care and be well nature lovers and expats.
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