Good night,
Since from a month I lost all my night sleeps. The slander, work, rain and flooding at Montenegro...
Even sweet hearts started to sleep away from me. Most probably I bother them while I am turning in the bed almost all the night...
I have lots of question marks about the future. Normally today was the last day of work in the office; on Monday I will go and sign the layoff documents.
Following the news at Montenegro especially about the rain and flood. Zeta river; the one who is only 500 m distance from Zelcestan flooded very badly. Lots of people got damaged and still it is raining time to time
Photo credit unknown
Photo credit unknown
Photo credit: dejana_radenovic_photography
To see all those photos and read news about weather, flooding and damage of the people was as a horror movie for me; which is including my the biggest nightmare based on my experiences. Do not know if everything is OK at Zelcestan or not. Thank to neighbours they are checking the house time to time and informing me; but still this is a nightmare....
Once more I am thankful for my catkids; they are relaxing me also give the power to struggle against to everything. I was thinking (also still have the same opinion) the animals have to be on their own environment. But with them; it was a mandatory; I should be their mother or I should leave them to die.
Today, a big part of the people want to "buy" a dog or a cat; expensive brands preferred to have more likes on social media.
Nope; first of all they are not to buy or sell. Also, if you really love cats and dogs; streets and shelters are full of them. Even you can find expensive ones there. When they "purchased" they have no value for a big part of them; just a commercial material. PLEASE; DO NOT BUY THEM!
It is almost 4 am here, in Turkey. Sweet hearts jumped to their stand to sleep a bit 😁
I really want to sleep but can not stop my thoughts. It seems, also 2020 will be a difficult year for me. Hopefully all will be sorted out quickly and will remember them all as a bad memory and will have a life with full of serenity and peace with my catkids at Zelcestan ❤❤
Since from a month I lost all my night sleeps. The slander, work, rain and flooding at Montenegro...
Even sweet hearts started to sleep away from me. Most probably I bother them while I am turning in the bed almost all the night...
I have lots of question marks about the future. Normally today was the last day of work in the office; on Monday I will go and sign the layoff documents.
Following the news at Montenegro especially about the rain and flood. Zeta river; the one who is only 500 m distance from Zelcestan flooded very badly. Lots of people got damaged and still it is raining time to time
Photo credit unknown
Photo credit unknown
Photo credit: asmir_lucevic
Photo credit: dejana_radenovic_photography
To see all those photos and read news about weather, flooding and damage of the people was as a horror movie for me; which is including my the biggest nightmare based on my experiences. Do not know if everything is OK at Zelcestan or not. Thank to neighbours they are checking the house time to time and informing me; but still this is a nightmare....
Once more I am thankful for my catkids; they are relaxing me also give the power to struggle against to everything. I was thinking (also still have the same opinion) the animals have to be on their own environment. But with them; it was a mandatory; I should be their mother or I should leave them to die.
Today, a big part of the people want to "buy" a dog or a cat; expensive brands preferred to have more likes on social media.
Nope; first of all they are not to buy or sell. Also, if you really love cats and dogs; streets and shelters are full of them. Even you can find expensive ones there. When they "purchased" they have no value for a big part of them; just a commercial material. PLEASE; DO NOT BUY THEM!
It is almost 4 am here, in Turkey. Sweet hearts jumped to their stand to sleep a bit 😁
I really want to sleep but can not stop my thoughts. It seems, also 2020 will be a difficult year for me. Hopefully all will be sorted out quickly and will remember them all as a bad memory and will have a life with full of serenity and peace with my catkids at Zelcestan ❤❤
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