Google doodle

Good afternoon,

I was trying to use another drawing but saw that Google made a doodle for me hence love to use it.
Thank you Google; I was so thoughtful and disappointed due to slander, disrupted plans, be away from my catkids today, etc.; you made my day. Also my birthday; I am 43 today!

Copyright unknown

Yes, I am a sagittarius and has the character "Sagittarians are optimistic, restless, progressive and adventurous. They can't stand to be contained, thwarted or bossed about, and freedom is their catnip. Woe betide a boss/ partner/parent/friend who tries to tell their Saggie comrade what to do… expect to hear the door slam as they bolt for the hills!" as written by cosmopolitan.

As mentioned before, the aim was to come with catkids permanently and celebrate altogether. On Sunday morning will be on the way back for that headache coming from the free zone and old company. Same as the saying of Oruc Reis; "Your right to life is as much as you struggle for it". This is exactly what I did until now and what I have to do until I pass away...

Zelcestan is much more colder that expected. As of a Mediterranean person; when I heard the bip at the car while I was driving from airport to home and saw the sign of ice on the panel; I had a small shock!

On the stopped by the Kips market to buy polyurethane foam to fill the blanks by and between the roof and concrete after replacement of the roof to isolate the wind and cold. Also do not want to jump again in the middle of the night with the noise of unexpected guest 😁

Also bought some silicone; such a suprise they have almost all colours of the wood which is also good to fill the blanks on laminate and ceiling panels. And of course bought two more packs of pellet. It was minus 2.5 Celsius last night! 
Open the song; "Ice Ice baby" 😁

Now it is time to rest a bit. Tomorrow will continue to settle the house. Have a nice evening.
