Good evening,
I know, that is almost impossible to say that especially after all those frozen days and nights but this week was quite hot at Montenegro.
The sun was burning like desert and all plants were suffering due to temperature. Even to work at garden was not possible during a big part of the day. Sweet hearts starts to wake me up around 4 am (after a short argument I kick them to saloon and continue to sleep as much as I can) but the temperature and sun goes up around 8 am.
The task of this week was to make a tretuat on the right side of the house but found opportunity to work by and between 16:00 to 20:00.
Of course did not waste time out of this hours and made a few more recycling designs for garden. As I always say; the sources of the world is not endless and we borrow this world from our future. Today, waste is one of the big problem of the world. The seperation must be at source (which is much more easier) and recyling must be a life style!
For my catkids, I prefer to cook wet food at home but it is not easy to find liver here therefore I buy canned wet food for them. Normally use the cans as flower pot and hanged all around the garden but wished to make something decorative and yes; I dis it!
Planning to plant herbs into them. I have fresh mint, ultra mini basil, cherry tomatoes etc but still have to grab some more from gardens 😊
Indeed, except than the fruit trees, I grow everything from seeds or from branches; so can be good to have more to grow at Zelcestan.
When I decided to create a garden/my heaven on the earth; the main aim was to have all colours of the world. Not fast as I wish but step by step the dream is coming true.
Yesterday at the end finished the placing of the tiles on the right side of treatuar, today drained the sand to make concrete and carried seven baskets. The meteorology was saying that it is 20% possibility of rain and I started to prepare the concrete and place on and by and between the tiles.
As mentioned above, the weather was quite hot also today too and when I arrived to the middle of the path, gave a break for coffee and rakija. Then I heard the thunder very badly and looked to outside; suprise!
It rained like a hell! But still so beautiful 😍
Normally you have to protect the concrete for two days but no luck; used a plastic sheet to cover the concrete as much as I can but no way to stop air or water hence most probably concrete will not be good and I need to renew it 🙁
I do not know who is Murphy but his sayings are always working...
Have a dry and safe evening,
Benek & Haylaz & Zel
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