Good Morning,
A big part of the people were dreaming for a hero or to be a hero when they were a child. Indeed; to be a hero is much more easier than you guess; just be a donor!
When I was living in Turkey; was a blood, blood platelet and granulocyte donor of the hospitals. Do not remember how many times did I donate.
Every healthy man can donate blood every three months, every healthy woman can donate blood every four months. Due to monthly period of woman, they are taking blood rare than man. It takes only 30 minutes in total.
This material named "blood platelet" at medical; but if you ask that to the cancer or organ transfer patients; they will name it "life"
This is the machine of the platelet. Takes some blood, make centrifugal, take the platelet and give back your blood and repeat it more less 6-8 times. Therefore takes time a bit more than blood donation but who cares; you are saving a life. Also when you want to donate blood platelet; they are testing the blood first for HIV, Hepatitis etc; free check-up 😉
Also possible to donate blood platelet 24 times in a year time. Therefore I prefer to donate platelet more than blood. Also, every healthy person can donate blood but for blood platelet and granulocyte you have to have a bit thicker vein.
So, yesterday I was at Podgorica at blood bank (Zavod za Transfuziju Krvi Crne Gore) and donated blood. They do not have platelet unit yet hence I will continue with blood for now.
All finished within 30 minutes; the center is incredibly clean and new. Indeed; they have the newest and cleanest blood bank I ever visited until now.
The stuff is quite friendly and also exciting for new donors. Mostly they speak English which is so good for me. The regulations are almost the same as Turkey and no problem to be a donor as a foreigner if you match the check list such as tattoo, surgery, drugs, etc.
After the donation, in addition of being a hero and saving three lives, they offer you a chicken sandwich and fruit juice. This time gives opportunity to rest a bit and observed by them just in case.
So, PLEASE, if you do not have a health problem please be a donor. All we have blood in our veins and the only source of the blood is human. You never know when or who will need it hence please do not postpone or find an excuse and visit the closest blood bank to donate blood.
Take the honour and be a donor!
With love
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