Good morning,
Day by day our expat life goes more on route at Montenegro. A few days ago I went alone to the dairy farm to buy milk directly. Most probably my neighbour with whom I went last time spoken with her; she gave some yogurt to me to make my yogurt; sharing is always good 🤗
The daughter of the dairy farm was speaking very good English and we spoken about a lot. Since several months I was looking for the information to be a blood and blood products donor (I prefer to donate blood platelet which is possible to dona 24 times in a year time) and she gave me the information as who is managing this at Montenegro. I wrote to them via their Facebook account and yes; as a foreigner I am allowed to donate blood if I match with the criteria. As a regular blood donor at Turkey, I believe in I will be one of their donor soon. Definetely I will stop by them on my next visit to Podgorica.
If you are at Montenegro and looking for the information to be a blood donor; here you go, this is the information about them. And please; if you are healthy never ignore the calls of blood and donate immediately.
I am still following the blood donors group at Antalya. A few days ago there was a post which was saying that since months they have difficulties to find donors and asking for what can be the reason. A big part of the people are excusing as of the Corona virus is the main reason. Guys, come on; you are going to cafes, beaches, restaurants, shopping malls, cinemas, etc; do you really think that all those places are cleaner than the blood bank? Really? Or you are cheating as usual not to be a donor and donate blood to the one who needs to "live"...
Last time, when I was going to the dairy, saw a tree and thought it is green plum. Neighbour said that is apple; I was so disappointed. Since that time, she leaves plum to my garden gate which is amazing for me. To have really fresh plum and to have it from heart; hvala komsija 🤗
A few days before her, another neighbour came as of they harvested vegetables of their garden and have more than enough and she brought almost ten kilos of potatoes and onions from their garden.
As I always say that; you do not have to speak the same language, or you do not have to have the same faith, same country, same blood, etc to have good relationships with people. Just be honest and indeed; the rest will come automatically.
You have have neighbours same as mine...
Vidimo se / see you later
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