Good morning,
As mentioned before, I born and grew at Mediterranean region of Turkey and lived app 15 years at Antalya just with walking distance from the sea.
Also the sea was located by and between my home and my office. I owned a tricycle bicycle and put beach bag and office clothes back and swim almost every morning until I became mother of sweet hearts. Also huge change of the cultural level of the civilisation was another cause to stop swimming there.
If you did not try yet; definetely you have to. Around five six in the morning; the sea is like a glass; clear, quiet, stable. I do not know how many times I watch sunrise while I was swimming; such a pleasure!
Zelcestan is app 90 km from Adriatic sea. Quite long distance to go and swim daily 😁 Also due to Corona virus; I do my best not to be social and stay at home if no need.
Zeta river; one of the big river of the country is app 500 meters distance from home. Neighbours said that they go to there to swim. A fee times I swum in the river at Antalya after rafting but here; It was new.
A piece from heaven; is not it?
Montenegro known as "wild beauty" on social media and definitely worth to have this name. Like amazon women; wild and beautiful!
I do not know the rest but on this part of the river the most deep part was app 1.5 meter which is so good. Still people pay attention to their kids also they stay close to each other.
Same as all rivers; it was cold! Step by step get inside then jump into the river; a natural botox if you have any problem with wrinkles 😁
Easy to see my feelings on my face 😁
Also dragonfly were quite interesting for me; never seen these colours of them. They were quite fast hence could not get a good shot but did my best. Mother nature; she is just gorgeous and still surprising me!
This type of wooden sandals are quite common at Danilovgrad and on a big part of Montenegro. Most probably they are handmade; lots of labour!
There is a saying "You can not paddle upstream" but this teen was making that very successful. So; never underestimate or limit your power and dreams; just do it!
With love,
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