Good afternoon from another raining day,
Since evening rain started again and do not let do anything out side. As you guess, sweet hearts are quite happy with this situation.
When I stand up Haylaz takes his place immediately and when I lay down Benek takes her place too:
Who said that is easy to a mother of two sweet hearts? ❤❤
Yesterday found the opportunity to join and witness one of the important tradition of Montenegro; Slava.
One of neighbour said that and invited me. She said that I should not work at slava, just relax, sit and eat with friends. At the beginning I did understand and met with her with house dresses. She said that this is slava and important to dress well to respect. I came back to home, dressed immediately and go back to her (all in 10 minutes).
Could not find a satisfied information until we go there. There was a well prepared table then the owner started to bring foods;
Later on found another source with more information;
While we were having meal and chatting (at least I try) they heard a noise and when we get out saw that one of the car is burning on the main way;
Later on saw on the news; thank God no one get hurt and fire fighters act immediately and stopped the fire.
After Anka's slava invitation, we went to other neighbour. Dejavu; more food on the table;
Based on the source; this one is the starter for slava celebration; you have to take one spoon from this then some red wine.
One of the rule at slava you have to eat what offered. After all these foods I was feeling as almost nine months pregnant!
I wished that I found that web page before than evening; otherwise would be much more better.
As far as I understood from sayings and sources about slava are;
- You have to accept invitation; this is for family and for close friends,
- You have to dress well and be clean,
- You have to say "Srecna Slava" to everybody when you arrive and even when someone comes after you. To kiss the landlord from check three times is another tradition.
- You have to eat what ever they put on the table (they know that I do not eat pork and sea monsters (sorry guys but shrimp, lobster, crap etc. are not food for me; just monster for my nightmares)
- You have to have gifts to the landlords such as chocolate, sweets, drinks,
They have different dates to celebrate based on their saints such as;
"St. Nicholas (Nikoljdan, 19 December), St. Arch.Michael (Aranđelovdan, 21 November), St. John the Baptist (Jovannjdan, 20 January), St. George (Đurdjevdan, 6 May), St. Sava (Savindan, 27 January) and St. Petka (Petka, 27 October)."
I do not know is it possible to know to make seperation or will learn in time.
Normally I always do something, that is not normal for me just sit, eat, chat and enjoy with the moment but after the photos they took; I recognised that I have to make this a bit often; just relax and breathe!
Each country has own traditions and habits; knowledge os an ocean and mostly we have only a few drops...
Take care and stay safe
Benek & Haylaz & Zel
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