Good morning from a cold Balkans morning
Step by step winter is getting closer. Due my best to finish outside tasks as soon as possible but on other hand; if you are living in a house with garden that means you have duties for 12 months!
After almost a week of works at the end finished the garden path. This time used approximately 2.5 cm thick concrete and placed the tiles inside of it. Not kids, even cows can not destroy them easily 😁
When I was making the path, reduced the other tasks due to problems with knee and backbone, some of the days took painkillers to be able to sleep. Such a painfull and bad memory from business life!
The land on the left side has a huge oak tree, all fruits come to my garden; have app 50 seedling on the garden and still working on to take them out. Created a game with neighbour and we were playing tennis with them to make it funny and clean the garden. The sources are saying that possible to make flour with them but really I am timeless this year for that.But I really have much much more than what I can evaluate.When they touch to the soil, start to work immediately to grow. So almost daily, even sometime twice in a day I clean the surface and collect them. I was thinking as what to do; another neighbour said that pigs and goats love to eat them and quite healthy also for them too. Then spoken with two neighbours who has pigs and shared by and between them. I cleaned my garden, they have cookie for their pigs, pigs are happy with yummy; a real win win story 😉
Of course not only these tasks; after years of blank, I started to make designs and crafts again; this makes me so happy and refreshing my soul. Also, recycling must be a habit all around the world; otherwise we will finish the sources very soon and will leave a hell to the future.
The middle of the lotus shaped flower pot is looking like as this now. Placed recycled plastic bottles (light on the top, casablancas, solar lights) between hrizantemi flowers which are also one of my favourite flower like all of them.
With a closer look it is as this. Later on will modify all lights when I drink mineral waters.
Of course modified the one at the entrance gate. Used the design reversed. That is really funny when people stop and look at the garden. Even once a woman asked from whom I take ideas. I told that to her "I sit and listen the job; job says what has to be".
Have more photos and stories to share but will keep for the next days not to bored you.
Take care and stay safe,
Benek & Haylaz & Zel
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