Good afternoon from a sunny day
Unbelievable but yes, we have sunny days which means waking up of mother nature and increase with must to do list. To do list always active.
On these days I enjoy with flowers front garden and vegetables on backyard. Zelcestan started to serve to the aim and the dream is coming true day by day.
Every day a few times I go and watch them over and over. The photos are not good enough to show real beauty of the flowers ❤
Of course also other beauties are growing such as flowers, trees, greens, beans, tomatoes, etc. Yes, it takes too much time, effort and power but definitely worth it.
At the end, yesterday finished the main structure of the chimney. I am so thankful to my next door neighbour. Without his help, that would be quite difficult.
I do not have this hand tool in my inventory. He cut the holes for chimney and I covered them with a strong concrete.
Now started to search for with which material I am going to cover it; with mortar, with metal, with ceramic? Neighbour advised to use Ytong especially to protect and isolate from freezing north wind but seems it is quite expensive here (compared with Turkey). It will cost minimum 80 Euros and I do not have this budget. Also first of all to avoid any damage or collapse due to wind (55 km was the highest until now), planning to stabilize the structure to the wall with metal belts. Have to go to Podgorica 7Avgust for that.I will never be an ordinary / standard woman!
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