Happy birthday; Four years ago today;

 Good evening from a chilly night,

As I always complain; after Mediterranean climate, the weather of Montenegro is the biggest challenge for me. At the moment I have four layers of top, two layers of bottom and it is almost summer! So, challenge accepted Balkans; here is my home and I will learn it 😉

I was looking for a document then by the chance recognised that today is the anniversary of the establishment of Zelcestan. Before that date; it was a dream; to create a heaven on earth with all colours of the world. Due to negligence of old lawyers, sold my home at Antalya on March 2017 and upon advise of a friend from Ohrid started to search for Albania and Montenegro. Then based on given information from Turkish embassies it was more clear on my hand and when I saw the advertise of this house on internet I said a big YES!

This photo was background image of the my office computer for years to motivate my self to endure a lot. The sentences are saying that "Did you ever follow your dreams to make them come true?". I saw this on internet when I was waiting for the bus to come to Montenegro first time to buy the house.

I was planning to create a garden with all colours of the world but to make it abroad was not in my mind. When shared this with my lawyer with whom I worked for purchasing and she said that "Did you mention any address to the universe while wishing this?" Actually no, and universe said that "OK, your dream will come true and I will choose the address for you."

10 months after signing the sale contract, cat kids entered to my life. One sister and one brother adopted at Antalya and normally Benek and Haylaz should be adoptet by a family from Germany (even they put the names of them) but they disappeared. I am quite happy for this situation; Benek and Haylaz are the biggest challenge and honour of my life. They were just 10 days old and it was not easy to keep them alive. 

Since 16 months we are here and already the colours (as I was dreamed for) filling the garden and our lives;

Did you ever follow your dreams to make them come true? I did it...

With love,
