Rest in piece little angel 😭

 Good afternoon from us,

The days are full of everything on these days. Mostly pay attention to the winter preparations but more than this to the cats. 

One of the small kitten was so sick and took him to the doctor for three days for antibiotic vaccination. When we covered him (at least no more blood on his anus and poo), his brother was not good yesterday afternoon. He was not eating or drinking for more than one hour. Gave some water and yogurt mixed water with injector. Then gave boiled meat with rice and he was eating slowly. 

This is the latest photo of him. Controlled last night around 9 and he was OK. And this morning when I checked him around 6 found his body...

I am not an easy crying person. A hard lesson teached by blood bank. When you witness all those real pains and suffered people; you stop crying or even feel bad or sad. Since more less five years I cry only for dead of a baby/child (and once for a big injustice two years ago) and this year it was the second time I cried and both were while burying these small bodies...

I wish to show them to the one who is strictly against to the sterilization of the cats and dogs. Several times heard that "let them have babies once" and then? What will be destiny of the kittens and puppies? For Benek and Haylaz even heard the same complaining from lots of people. They advised to let them have kittens once to feel to be a parent (!!!). Also they advised that, to leave the kittens to the shelter or street if can not find a house for them. Guys, my aim is to save as much as them and you are advising to let them die. If you think that shelters are good places to live; then you did not visit none of them! PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT, IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO KEEP ALL KITTENS AND PUPPIES OR SURE TO FIND A HOUSE FOR ALL; DO NOT LET THEM HAVE BABIES! 

If you are at Montenegro, you can get in touch with Kotor kitties or Royal Vet Podgorica for neutering of the cats on your street. You have to take them to the clinic around 10 am and pick them up around 6 pm. That is all what you have to do. Every time when I drive see terminated bodies of cats on the road. Neutering can not be worse than this! If you are not in Montenegro, please get in touch with local authorities or animal care groups wherever you are to take information for neutering. 

The new kittens have parasite and parasite medication can not be applied to the kittens less than 3 months. (Kristina said that even after 500 gr weight that will be OK. The boy is 385 grams and girl is 430 grams now) Hence doctor can not use any medication for parasite and advised to keep them seperated from other cats. 

 I drove this for babies with the materials whatever I have on my hands. Type of fence tent to put over the box. Especially wish to close the top. The one, who passed away last night was a good climber and always finding a way to escape. 😭

And made this for them. When I was making this, one of the black and white kitten attacked to the small kitten. Therefore this fence cage will also keep them in safe from bigger cats. Used blue plastic for shadow and protection from rain. Was looking for something to put behind and inside. By the chance next door neighbour gave an old air mattress to be evaluated (he knows that I evaluate everything). It was perfect timing and also a perfect material. Still they could not learn to pee and poo on the sand and sometimes make inside of the box. Each time was cleaning by hand but now take out the sheet and wash outside and dry (Hvala komsija).

So, please pay attention to the cats and dogs on your street and take them to the veterinary doctor for sterilization. Also would be great if you can provide food and shelter for them especially if you are living in a cold country as we are.

Take care and stay safe.

