Happy anniversary...

 Good afternoon from heaven,

Today is the second anniversary of our movement to Zelcestan. That trip was the latest (due to epidemic) and the hardest flight on mine (Benek and Haylaz were at hold luggage area).

The aim was to travel countrywide with them and discover the country but we did not know an epidemic is waiting for us. 

On other hand, here; to be at Zelcestan for last two years was perfect for us. Cat kids were able to touch on soil, eat fresh grass, take more oxygen. 

Even it was so good for me to be here. Worked on the garden and maintenance.of the house almost every day. Heard that people gained weight during bans; I lost almost 10 kilos and had a lot muscles while almost I eat and drink whatever I want. 

When we arrived here; there wasn't any fruit on this kiwi. Last year had 6 pieces and this year had more than 40. Mother nature; she always gives back all what you give to her!

Started to learn the language; now can communicate with the level of a three years old child in Montenegrin 😁

Experienced quite a lot during last two years, I know still plenty to learn but indeed; I am quite happy and satisfied with the result of last two years.

Happy anniversary my dream; I am so happy to that you are coming true...

