Good afternoon such a freezing windy day,
Since yesterday the north wind is getting stronger which means locked down at home.
It was 2-3 Celsius during the day also with wind, felt lower than this. (I need to find out a permanent solution for garage tent also planning to make a green house over lemons if can arrange my budget.)
To stay at home never mean not to do anything.
Benek & Haylaz are the one who has the biggest benefit from this situation. Haylaz sleeps on my chest and Benek sleeps under my knees as usual.When I have time from them and from babies on the garden; continue to work inside.
First part of dry persimmons will be ready more less in two weeks. And prepared some more and hung outside directly. Hopefully this freezing north wind will help to dry them faster.
Also prepared two for vinegar; this is also first time try of mine. Based on internet, also vinegar of persimmon is quite tasty and healthy.
Another recipe is to slice and dry them in the oven of the wood stove. If you do not want to have crunchy / wood version, I advise to make it slowly. When you take the smell of sugar, it is time to take out from oven.
More less at the end of December, when they are ripened enough, also will make some marmalade from persimmons. One fruit turns to lots of different products 😉
Take cate and stay safe,
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