Good morning from February,
We woke up to snow to first morning of February; surprise!As shared before, gardening is a 12 months lasting duty and January is the time to trim persimmon, grapes, roses, hydrangeas on a big part of the world and same here too.
Last year grew plenty hydrangeas and mostly shared with neighbours also planted some to my garden too. Thank to kittens of mother cat, they destroyed almost all and I saved only two; better than nothing.
On Monday we went to Danilovgrad with neighbours and when I waiting for them, found a small treasure; bunch of hydrangeas and one branch of rose. Have no single idea about the colour or type of the flowers but grabbed them all with no hesitation 😁
A big part of the people thinks that they are dried/dead; actually this is wrong. The structure of hydrangeas are a dry surface and type of foam inside therefore they are incredibly light and looks like dry. You can see dry branch with fresh sprouts; this is exactly what I mean.
Brought them home and prepared for planting. Kept them in the water for two night let them absorb the water inside and today will seal their top with mast and plant to pots for rooting.
As shared before, the NVO who supported for neutering of the white dog also donated canned dog food.
Hydrangea flower take and change the colour depends on the iron level of the soil. Therefore if you wish to change the colour of the hydrangeas, add a few nails to the soil. The flowers will take the colours from pink to blue, and even purple
The top/mouth of the cans will be quite sharp hence better to be careful and mesh this part with a tool to avoid and hurt/cut.
Take care and stay safe,
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