Good afternoon from Balkans,
As you know, I am one of the blood donor of Montenegro. Donated blood 6 times until now. Since from 18th April, they started to collect platelet too and guess who is the first female platelet donor of Montenegro.
People can get scared when they see the machine. This is the nature of human being and completely normal. More than 20 years I am donor for blood and blood products therefore quite normal and even missed for me. Women can donate blood 3 times a year and it is not enough for me. Now I have a huge smile on my face when I go for platelet donation.
There is no risk for you to donate platelet, granulocyte or bone marrow. First of all they check all criteria, made tests, a technician and a doctor escort to you during the donation. You are on safe hands much more than somewhere else. The machine takes your blood, separate platelet (the gold color liquid), give back your blood with saline. The process has to be done step by step hence takes around one hour.
If you are at Montenegro, by and between 18-60, have no health problems; please visit Zavod za Transfuziju Krvi.
They have head office at Podgorica and branches all around the country. Also have mobile unit which goes to schools, municipalities, organizations who wants to donate blood.
So, as I always say; take the honor and be a donor!
Take care and stay safe,
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