Protection from frost bite

 Good morning from frozen nights,

Real winter started here and mostly we wake up to frozen mornings. This also means red alarm for newly planted seedling. Until roots start to grow, the plant is quite sensitive and open for frost bite damages. 

As shared before, brought some rare seedlings from Turkey and plated here such as green plum and yellow cherry. Carried them for 1.300 km and 4 countries hence love to protect them to be able to see that they are growing. 

Of course there is a solution for this situation; frost blankets. 

In Montenegro, you can buy this product by meters. The width is mostly 4 meters. I cut it as I need then sew both sides.

Garden is looking like a ghost land day by day. 

This photo is from yesterday morning. Easy to see ice crystals. Also, can you recognise the green top under the cover? Ice and cold are coming from top hence I am using plastic bottles as a top to reduce the cold effect. Before cover them, used fungusit and insekticid for winter maintenance of seedling. 

Have to sew 4 or 5 more to be able to cover all baby trees and cross my fingers to see them all healthy in spring. 

Take care,
