Garden products

 Good evening from rainy days and nights,

Once more we are in raining period and based on meteorology sites, it will continue for many other days 🐳

As shared before, there was a yard sale of an international school at Podgorica and we joined there with plant and seeds mostly coming from Zelcestan. 

Made sales of some seeds and plants I grew on the garden and got approximately 25-30 Euros. I know, this is not so much money especially when we get into consideration cost of materials, time and effort I put to grow them. But still it was so supportive for me which proofs that my dream can circle it's expenses. 

Approximately three years ago mage the arch of the garden gate with bamboos but they got effected from weather conditions much more faster than I assumed like garden gate. The link of that post is  if you wish to have a look. 

I made another garden and recycled materials as usual.  gate 

But then arch started to scream to be changed but I don't have materials to make it. Saw several arches on the garden centres but as you know I have to be carefull with expenses hence was postponing that.

At the end of the yard sale day, went to a garden centre to look for something then saw this arch with an affordable price (17 €) and couldn't resist especially after winning some from garden products.

Here you go! Now it is time to grow some ivy or roses to climb over it. Day by day the dream is growing.

It was also birthday of these two angels. Their mother gave birth to them on the night of 5th May. With the rest of the money I bought sausages for outdoor cats. At the end of the day all we were happy 🙏🏼 

Take care,
