Good afternoon from Montenegro,
Montenegro gives 90 days duration of stay to the citizens of a big part of the world. (To be sure better to check official sources if any difference for your citizenship.) if you are planning to stay longer, you have to apply for a residence permit. This is the list of the required documents for application based on real estate ownership.All of them are OK but for bank account there is a very big problem. Ministry of Internal Affairs doesn't accept residence permit application without bank account; banks don't open an account without residence permit.
Normally this is the link of the Montenegro Central Bank for this issue but make no sense; they don't open.
Wrote to Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a solution but the answer given almost after one month is so far from being an answer!
They send what it has to be but banks don't follow them.
We solved the problem of my friend but still MUP has to solve this problem for future expats who is planning to move to Montenegro.
Will keep you updated with this issue.
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