Welcome November

 Good evening from Balkans,

Day by day it is getting colder which is normal if you live in Balkans. 

Starting from today, I will be watching myself on the wall like narcissists for next two months:

Calender shows me; I am innocent 🤷🏽‍♀️

As mentioned several times, I am first and as far as I know only female platelet donor of Montenegro. That's why received an award in June from blood bank of Montenegro;

As a foreigner, who lives here; such a big honour to receive this for me; and a priceless heritage for my family. 

Today, daughter of one of the neighbour wrote to ask for if I can donate blood for her mother who has to have a surgery ASAP. I said just with pleasure and drove to Podgorica. 

Until now it is been 7 blood and 13 platelet donations in Montenegro. It is almost nothing for me; hope to be able to donate more to help many other people. 

Once more; if you are healthy, if you are by and between 18-60, if you match criterias for being a donor; please do. If you are in Montenegro; Zavod za Transfuziju Krvi Crna Gora is the authorized organisation for this. 

Take care and stay safe,
