Good evening from freezing days,
As you know, I bornt on Mediterranean part of Turkiye. Been on approximately 20 countries until now. Nature and gardening always been my desires; I am almost addicted to nature.
Here, in Montenegro; experiencing a lot new things about gardening. Frost, minus temperatures, ice all of them are new and also all my knowledgebase about gardening is erased here due to weather conditions.
Last night was colder than usual here. It was minus 2 around 9 am. When I went to greenhouse with fear to check plants; got a surprise which I never seen in my life.
These are hrizanteme branches which I prepared a few weeks ago inside of the greenhouse. Due to extreme cold of last night, water/moisture of the branches got frozen and extended the branches!
I never seen something as this, now lost almost all of them. Only a few survived and don't know what will be their destiny.
When we made the constructions, also made a detached greenhouse which has connection with the window of the saloon. Especially made that for seeds and branches. Normally I was planning to use polycarbonate panels but somehow the prices increased crazy in Montenegro. In Bosnia and Turkiye sqm prices are around 5 Euros but here it was asked 13.25 Euros! I was planning to use this material even for big greenhouse, even an old friend give me some cash to support construction of the greenhouses but come on; how this can be this much here? Who can afford to buy with these prices?
Due to unexpected price changes of the polycarbonate panels, made big greenhouse with polytunnel plastic and used agricultural mesh to protect from wind damages and over sun. Was looking for budget friendly polycarbonate panels but can't postpone anymore. Will make it same as big one and restart producing branches there. In May, there will be a yard sale and hope to have some plants to sell and lower expenses of garden. 🤞🏼
So, keep moving, keep learning, keep doing,..
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